In chapter 3 of the Baran and Davis book a pro and con opinion is given about whether or not media should be controlled. There are 2 aspects of this: or some sort of elite should be controlling the media or it should be free of any change for the entire population. The main problem here is that if an elite should be formed, how could they determine what is wrong and what is not? How would they be able to tell whether something is right or wrong when we have such a small idea of their actual effects and whether these are more positive or negative. I think that at this moment it is hard to make this decision because we don’t fully understand the effect but at the same time, waiting is giving more power to the ones controlling it. With time and evolution of the media, patterns will be easier to distinguish and it will be easier to understand what is problematic and how to resolve it. This is probably one of the most important aspect of evolution and the education of our generation and more and more for the ones coming. I think a certain control should be applied to todays media and that maybe it shouldn’t be spread equally through everyone as we don’t all live the same way and media doesn’t affect us the same way because we don’t all use it in the same way and amount. But more importantly their should be more general knowledge of this issue and it should be something everyone thinks and reflects on within their daily use of media. Because the best way to fight the negative effects of the media is first of all the awareness of it’s negative and positive effects. This should be something the media should portray more and try to teach to the mass. If everyone had more knowledge of this we could maybe work together on shaping the media onto it’s positive aspects.  

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